Rico Knitting Idea Compact 569


Using 6½ mm needles and thumb method cast on
73[79:85:91:103] sts.
Work in patt as follows:
1st to 4th rows. Knit.
Change to 7 mm needles.
5th row. *K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, k1.
6th row. Purl.
7th and 8th rows. Knit.
9th to 12th rows. As 5th to 8th rows.
13th row. P2, *k3, p3, rep from * to last 5 sts, k3,
14th row. K2, *p3, k3, rep from * to last 5 sts, p3,
15th row. K2, *yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k3,
rep from * to last 5 sts, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso,
yfwd, k2.
16th and 17th rows. As 13th and 14th rows.
18th row. As 13th row.
19th row. K2tog, yfwd, *k3, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog,
psso, yfwd, rep from * to last 5 sts, k3, yfwd, sl 1,
k1, psso.
20th row. As 14th row.
Rep 13th to 20th rows 1[2:2:2:2] times more, then
rep 13th to 16th rows 1[0:0:0:0] times more, ending
with a ws row.
**Next row. K1, *k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1,
psso, k1, rep from * to end.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K2tog, yfwd, *k3, yfwd, sL2togK, k1,
p2sso, yfwd, rep from * to last 5 sts, k3, yfwd, sl 1,
k1, psso.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K1, *yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog,
yfwd, k1, rep from * to end.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K2, *yfwd, sL2togK, k1, p2sso, yfwd,
K3, rep from * to last 5 sts, yfwd, sL2togK, k1,
p2sso, yfwd, k2.
Next row. Purl.
Rep last 8 rows twice more, then first 0[0:4:4:4] of
these rows again, ending with a ws row.**
Next row. Knit.
This row forms g-st.
Work in g-st for a further 3 rows.
Next row. *K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, k1.
Work in g-st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row.
Next row. K2tog, yfwd, k3, *yfwd, sl 1, k2tog,
psso, yfwd, k3, rep from * to last 2 sts, yfwd, sl 1,
k1, psso.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K2, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, *k3,
yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, rep from * to last
2 sts, k2.
Next row. Purl.
Rep last 4 rows 4[4:4:5:5] times more.
Work in g-st for 4 rows.
Next row. *K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, k1.
Work in g-st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row.
Now repeating 13th to 20th rows only for rest of
Back, cont as follows:
Cont straight until Back measures 54[56:58:60:
62] cm, 21¼[22:22¾:23¾:24½] in, hanging from the
needles ending with a ws row.