Easy 8 Special – model 5



Sleeves (both alike)
Using 4,5 mm needles, cast on 46 [50:54:56:58] sts and work in rib as given for back.
Cont in rib until cuff measures 9 cm, 3½ in, ending with a rs row.
Dec row (ws): Rib 4 [2:3:4:5] sts, rib2tog, (rib 2[2:1:1:1) sts, rib2tog) 9 [11:15:15:15] times, rib 4 [2:4:5:6] sts.
36 [38:38:40:42] sts.
Change to 5 mm needles.
For 1st and 5th sizes only
Starting with row 1, work in st-st with edge sts as given for Back inc 1 st at each end of 4th row and every foll 6th and 4th row alternately to 68[90] sts.
For 2nd, 3rd and 4th sizes only
Starting with row 1, work in st-st with edge sts as given for Back inc 1 st at each every foll 4th row to [74:82:86] sts.
For all sizes
Cont in patt until sleeve measures 46[46:47:48:48] cm, 18¼ [18¼:18½:19:19] in, ending with a ws row.
Shape top
Cast off 6 [6:7:7:7] sts at beg of next 6 [6:6:8:6] rows.
69[77:79:83:93] sts.
Cast off 6 [7:7:8:8] sts at beg of next 4 [4:4:2:4] rows ending with a ws row. 8 [10:12:14:16] sts.
Cast off.
Pocket (make 2)
Using 5 mm needles, cast on 25 sts and work 10 cm, 4 in, in st-st with edge sts as given for back ending with a rs row.
Next row. K2, (m1, k3) 7 times, m1, k2. 33 sts.
Change to 4.5 mm needles.
Work 8 rows in rib with edge sts as given for back.
Cast off.
To make up
Join shoulder seams. Fold sleeves in half lengthwise and placing top folds to shoulder seams, sew shaped cast-off edge of sleeves into armholes. Join side and sleeve seams. Join ends of front borders together and placing seam to centre back neck, sew evenly in position around back of neck.
Sew pockets in position at centre of each front placing the cast-on edge of the pocket to the top of the front rib. Sew on buttons.
Pin out cardigan to the measurements given. Cover with clean, damp tea towels and leave to dry. See ball band for washing and further care instructions.
